Mechanism of Collagen Activation in Human Platelets

From the Departments of Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Oral Biology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0W3, Canada. Roberts, Diane E. et. al

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Human Perinatal-derived Biomaterials

Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oklahoma. Marc C Moore, PhD et. al

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Growth factor delivery-based tissue engineering: general approaches and a review of recent developments

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University Kangwon Lee, et. al

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Skin anti-aging strategies

Dermatoendocrinol. Ruta Ganceviciene et. al

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In vivo engineered extracellular matrix scaffolds with instructive niches for oriented tissue regeneration

National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC1103500), Innovative Research Group Project. Meifeng Zhu et. al

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The extracellular matrix at a glance

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Frantz et. al

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Growth factor delivery-based tissue engineering: general approaches and a review of recent developments

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Lee et. al

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Vascular and Neurogenic Rejuvenation of the Aging Mouse Brain by Young Systemic Factors

Science Magazine. Katsimpardi et. al.

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Administration of rGDF11 retards the aging process in male mice via action of anti-oxidant system

Springer Nature. Zhou, et. al.

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